Brick Weight Calculator

Brick Weight (lbs):




About Brick Weight Calculator (Formula)

The Brick Weight Calculator determines the weight of a brick based on its dimensions. It utilizes the formula:

BW=BL×W×BT×0.0694\text{BW} = \text{BL} \times \text{W} \times \text{BT} \times 0.0694


  • BW\text{BW} is the Brick Weight in pounds.
  • BL\text{BL} is the Brick Length (in inches).
  • W\text{W} is the Brick Width (in inches).
  • BT\text{BT} is the Brick Thickness (in inches).

This formula calculates the weight of the brick by multiplying its length, width, and thickness, and then multiplying by a density factor of 0.0694, providing an estimate of the brick’s weight based on its dimensions.

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