Cost Per Engagement Calculator




About Cost Per Engagement Calculator (Formula)

The Cost Per Engagement (CPE) Calculator determines the cost per engagement for a marketing campaign using the following formula:

CPE=Total Campaign CostTotal Engagements\text{CPE} = \frac{\text{Total Campaign Cost}}{\text{Total Engagements}}

Formula Breakdown

  • CPE: Cost per Engagement, the amount spent for each engagement in the campaign.
  • Total Campaign Cost: The total amount of money spent on the marketing campaign.
  • Total Engagements: The total number of engagements (likes, shares, comments, clicks, etc.) generated by the campaign.

Example Calculation

Suppose you have the following inputs:

  • Total Campaign Cost: $5000
  • Total Engagements: 2500

Using the formula:

  1. Calculate the cost per engagement: CPE=50002500=2\text{CPE} = \frac{5000}{2500} = 2

In this example, the cost per engagement for the marketing campaign would be $2.

Understanding the Cost Per Engagement formula helps marketers evaluate the efficiency of their campaigns and make informed decisions to optimize their spending and engagement strategies.

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