Man Delusion Calculator





About Man Delusion Calculator (Formula)

The Man Delusion Calculator computes a “Man Delusion Score” based on the number of occurrences of specific phrases or behaviors associated with exaggerated masculinity stereotypes. The formula to calculate the Man Delusion Score (MD) is:

MD=A+B+C+D4MD = \frac{A + B + C + D}{4}


  • AA represents the number of times “being the strongest” or “invincible” is mentioned.
  • BB represents the number of times “never crying” or “never showing emotions” is referred to.
  • CC represents the number of times the phrase “real men don’t…” is used.
  • DD represents the number of times “being the best at everything” is bragged about.

The total occurrences of each behavior or phrase are summed up and divided by 4 to obtain the Man Delusion Score.

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