Pooled Income Fund Calculator





About Pooled Income Fund Calculator (Formula)

The Pooled Income Fund (PIF) Calculator is a tool designed to estimate the income stream generated from a pooled income fund, based on various input factors. Here’s a detailed explanation of how the formula works and what each variable represents.


The formula used to calculate the income stream from a Pooled Income Fund is:

Income Stream=(Net Investment Income−Net Capital Gains)×PIF Interest Rate×Donor’s Share\text{Income Stream} = (\text{Net Investment Income} – \text{Net Capital Gains}) \times \text{PIF Interest Rate} \times \text{Donor’s Share}


  1. Net Investment Income (in USD): This is the total income generated from the fund’s investments, such as interest, dividends, and other income sources, excluding capital gains.
  2. Net Capital Gains (in USD): This represents the profits realized from the sale of securities or other assets within the fund. It is important to subtract this from the net investment income to isolate the income generated from the fund’s core investments.
  3. PIF Interest Rate (in %): This is the interest rate applied to the net investment income, representing the rate at which the fund generates income.
  4. Donor’s Share (in %): This is the percentage share of the fund’s income that is attributable to the donor. This share is based on the donor’s contribution relative to the total value of the fund.

Example Calculation

Suppose you have the following inputs:

  • Net Investment Income: $50,000
  • Net Capital Gains: $10,000
  • PIF Interest Rate: 5%
  • Donor’s Share: 20%

Using the formula:

  1. Calculate the net income to be considered: Net Income=Net Investment Income−Net Capital Gains=50,000−10,000=40,000\text{Net Income} = \text{Net Investment Income} – \text{Net Capital Gains} = 50,000 – 10,000 = 40,000
  2. Apply the PIF Interest Rate: Income with Interest Rate=40,000×5100=40,000×0.05=2,000\text{Income with Interest Rate} = 40,000 \times \frac{5}{100} = 40,000 \times 0.05 = 2,000
  3. Determine the Donor’s Share: Income Stream=2,000×20100=2,000×0.20=400\text{Income Stream} = 2,000 \times \frac{20}{100} = 2,000 \times 0.20 = 400

So, the calculated income stream would be $400.

Benefits of Using a PIF

  • Tax Advantages: Contributions to a pooled income fund can provide immediate tax benefits, such as a charitable deduction.
  • Income Stream: Donors receive a regular income stream from the fund, which can be beneficial for retirement planning or other long-term financial goals.
  • Charitable Giving: After the donor’s death, the remaining assets in the fund are distributed to a designated charity, aligning with philanthropic goals.


  • Investment Performance: The income stream is dependent on the performance of the fund’s investments, which can vary.
  • Donor’s Share: The donor’s share is based on their contribution relative to the total fund, so larger contributions result in a larger share of the income.
  • Interest Rate: The interest rate applied can significantly impact the income stream and should be carefully considered.

Understanding the PIF Calculator’s formula and variables helps donors make informed decisions about their contributions and anticipated income streams, aligning financial planning with charitable giving.

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